
Showing posts from August, 2019

Poem: The lone cactus

The lone cactus Just a drop of water Is what all it needs now The cactus so alone In the vastness of the desert. The merciless sun burns above Tricking the poor one with the mirage Giving hope for no reason And its all misery in the end. Neither the cold nights show mercy Blowing dry cold winds from past The memories just add up pain And its all misery in the end. The desert wasn't like it is now It was a river full of water Those are countless memories now Like those thorns on the cactus. Now there is no flowing water Just sand and sand everywhere It is like the cactus wasn't fit For the happy flowing river. Now the cactus stands alone In a place where its meant to be But a drop of water, just a drop Won't be too much mercy. The roots went in search For a life saving drop of water Went in deep, spreading around Approaching everyone found. Not far lied a couple of rocks It was hard to get inside them Yet the roots went in But no wat

Poem: The rose with thorns

The rose with thorns The garden was enormous Beautified by flowers of all kind Yet I didn't notice any of them Other than you, little red rose. You weren't like those dancing lillies You were solo, calm but beautiful That I ended up plucking you And now I admit, my mistake. Holding you in my hands was heaven Something that I've never felt before Looking at you closer I couldn't take my eyes back. I never wanted to let you go So that I held you in my hand so tight And I didn't even realize that Your thorns pierced deep inside. You were so charming red That the bleeding hands of mine Didn't even looked red And I didn't feel the pain then. I welcomed the thorns myself Because i thought that might Keep you mine forever And I let the thorns take root. The thorns did take root Deep inside, so much deep Still I was happy and a fool That I thought it will keep you mine. But eventually my hands loosened Not because it was tired