Poem: The lone cactus

The lone cactus

Just a drop of water
Is what all it needs now
The cactus so alone
In the vastness of the desert.

The merciless sun burns above
Tricking the poor one with the mirage
Giving hope for no reason
And its all misery in the end.

Neither the cold nights show mercy
Blowing dry cold winds from past
The memories just add up pain
And its all misery in the end.

The desert wasn't like it is now
It was a river full of water
Those are countless memories now
Like those thorns on the cactus.

Now there is no flowing water
Just sand and sand everywhere
It is like the cactus wasn't fit
For the happy flowing river.

Now the cactus stands alone
In a place where its meant to be
But a drop of water, just a drop
Won't be too much mercy.

The roots went in search
For a life saving drop of water
Went in deep, spreading around
Approaching everyone found.

Not far lied a couple of rocks
It was hard to get inside them
Yet the roots went in
But no water, just more misery

Little far lied a dead trunk
May be a last drop from it
The roots went in with a hope
But as usual, misery again.

But through all those root journey
The cactus learned one thing
Keep it to yourself, stay unexpressive
Don't depend on others always.

So the cactus decided to do so
But where can a poor cactus
Find a drop of water which lost
All it's water weeping for the loss.

But the cactus won't back off
The roots that went deep down
Now came back to the top
To pierce into itself.

It did hurt, cutting through itself
Going through all those thorns
But the cactus found the drop
The last drop, but it was red.


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