Poem: The Last Breath

The Last Breath

Not just an intake of air isn't it,
The last one of those uncounted,
Feeling the last bit of vibrations
Of an undying elegy, life.

The candle that burned bright
Has no more thread to burn now
Or the winds of this cruel world
Failed to show some mercy again.

And everything and everyone and everywhere
Has come to this one second
The one unforgiving moment
The moment of truth.

The one second, before which
I was a warrior
In a never winning battle against
An untamed monster, life.

The one same second, before which
I was an overturned boat
Still going with the flow
Of a blood stained river, life.

I had dreams, visions and thoughts
About what they called future
But only ended up in a heap of miseries
What I call present.

Now is no time to weep to the loss
Of a never found golden reward
And now is now time to mourn for the ones
Who heard me when I kept mum.

Now is no time to hide
From the nightmares of fate
Cz Now is the time to fade
Into the mist of reality.

I may have earned wealth
I may have earned power
But now I lie empty handed
For the world to see.

For the whole world to see
And for the whole world to know
That I have returned everything and
I am here, ready to go, empty handed.

But now, let me take something
Something from this selfish world
Something that I may not return
Now, let me take my last breath.


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